
Samson Agonistes Summary

Samson Agonistes Summary and Analysis

Samson Agonistes Summary
Samson Agonistes Summary


            “Samson Agonistes” is a closet drama published in 1671 by English poet and political activist ‘John Milton’. It was published alongside Milton’s Paradise Regained, a poem that follows his most famous work the epic ‘Paradise Lost’. Milton declared Samson agonistes is a tragedy written in the style of ancient Greek drama. The genre of closet drama denotes plays not written for the stage. It is written in blank verse.

About the Poet

            John Milton the poet of Samson Agonistes was an English poet and man of letters commonly considered “One of the preeminent writers in the English Language”. One of the most knowledgeable men of his time he was fluent in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, writing his works in all of these languages. Among his world-famous works included – Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, Areopagitica, and Lycidas. He is described as the “greatest English author” by biographer ‘William Hayley’. Poets such as William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Thomas Hardy were much influenced by John Milton.

The setting of the Play

            The play takes place in a prison in Gaza, where Samson is enslaved by Philistines who have also gouged out his eyes and blinded him.

The theme of “Samson Agonists”

          The play Samson Agonists has several themes, some of which are major themes – Blindness, Temptation, Violence, the commitment to God, Politics, and Misogyny.

About the Samson Agonists Play

            The play is based on the Story of Samson from the biblical Book of Judges, a son of Israel who was endowed with unparalleled strength. When Samson marries his second wife, the Philistine Delilah, she betrays him to cut his hair while he sleeps. The play focuses on the final of Samson’s life after he has been betrayed by his wife and lost his superhuman strength.

            Samson belongs to Israel and helps the Israel people from any trouble with his supernatural power. Philistine often attacks Israel but Samson protected them. Philistine people make plans to defeat Samson. They send Delilah, the most beautiful girl of Philistine to entrap Samson. Delilah succeeds in her plan and Samson get agrees to marry Delilah. After marriage, once Delilah comes to know that all the power of Samson is in his hair.

So Delilah makes a plan and sends a servant to cut his while he sleeps. When Samson losses all his power then he has been captured by the Philistines and put into a prison in Gaza and his eyes are cut out. Now in prison, Samson laments how he was once a great warrior and how he has been reduced to a blind prisoner. He is upset that he shared the secret of his strength with Delilah who betrayed him.

            Now in Gaza, Chorus comes to meet Samson. The Chorus is comprised of Samson’s admirers and friends. He explains that before he met Delilah, he married a Philistine because God told him that an alliance with Philistines would help him in his mission to defend the Israelites Samson and Chorus both agree that if the Israelites had sent troops to support him, they would have been freed.

Manoah, Samson’s father, arrives and is stunned to see his son in his current state. Samson explains to his father that it is his own fault for telling Delilah the secret of his strength. Samson has no wish for a long life – he seeks only God’s forgiveness for being prideful. Manoah does not want Samson to stay in Prison and plans to bribe an official to release Samson.

            Delilah arrives and cries over Samson’s state. She apologizes and offers to help, but Samson, no longer trusting her, just asks her to leave. She tells him that the Philistine will praise her through the generations, and leaves. Samson’s next visitor is “Harapha”. Harapha claims that Samson’s strength is sourced from magic, but Samson insists that it is from the Israelite’s God. Harapha leaves and an officer arrives to bring Samson to the festival to prove Dogon’s greatness but Samson refuses. But when the second officer arrives, Samson agrees to go. However, he soon feels a change within himself and agrees to go with the messenger.

            Manoa returns just in time to hear what Samson has done, he killed every Philistine, and himself, by destroying two large pillars and collapsing the entire structure of the theatre where the celebration was held. Manoa and the Chorus lament Samson’s death but celebrate his heroism.

            “Those who die for others live forever.”

In this way, Samson Agonistes set a great Sacrifice by giving up his life but eliminating his rivals.

Thus, We can say Samson Agonistes is one of the greatest Drama of John Milton.

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Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift

Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift | Gulliver’s Travels Summary

Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift
Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift


            The Book “Gulliver’s Travel” is a novel by ‘Jonathan Swift’ who is known as a great Anglo-Irish Satirist, essayist, and poet. Its full title is ‘Travels into Several Remote Nations of World’ and was first published in 1726. The protagonist of this novel is “Lemuel Gulliver” and the whole story of this novel moves around him. It is Swift’s best full-length work. Swift claimed that he wrote ‘Gulliver’s Travel’ ‘to vex the world rather than divert it’. The novel was written in 4 parts,

  1. A Voyage to Lilliput
  2. A Voyage to Brobdingnag
  3. A Voyage to Laputa
  4. A Voyage to the Land Of The Houyhnhnms 

‘Geoge Orwell’ is considered to be one of the first five works of World Literature.

About The Author

            “Jonathan Swift” the author of “Gulliver’s Travels” was an Anglo–Irish Satirist, political pamphleteer, essayist, and poet. He is remembered for works such as ‘A Tale of a Tub’ An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity’, “Gulliver’s Travel” and ‘A Modest Proposal’. Swift is regarded as the greatest prose satirist in the history of English Literature.

            The Book “Gulliver’s Travel” gets an immediate success. The English Dramatist “John Gay” remarked ‘It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery’.

The Theme of Gulliver’s Travels

            The main themes in Gulliver’s Travels are ‘Human folly and Evil’, ‘filth and disgust’, and ‘conservatism and progress’.

Gulliver’s Travel Book III:

            After being at home for only ten days, ‘Gulliver’ is visited by a ship captain who invites him on a voyage departing in two months. Gulliver convinces his wife that this is a good opportunity and set off, again working as the surgeon. After they sail for three days a storm arises driving the ship to the northeast and they are attacked by pirates. They are unable to defend themselves. Gulliver insults the captain of the pirates’ ship and as punishment is set adrift in “ A small canoe, with paddles and a sail, and four days provisions.

            On the 5th day of sailing in his canoe, Gulliver reaches a small island (Balnibarbi), where he spends the night in restless sleep. In the morning he notices that what he thought was a cloud floating above the island is actually a floating island. Gulliver calls up to the people he sees moving about the island. They lower down a system of pulleys that can pull Gulliver up.

            As soon as Gulliver steps onto the floating island, he is surrounded by a crowd of people. He finds them very strange; their heads are slanted to the left or right, and their clothes have pictures of either musical instruments or astronomical signs. Gulliver learns that he is on ‘Laputa’.

The people here have terribly short attention spans, so they carry around “Flappers”. After dinner, a man is sent to teach Gulliver the language. Gulliver finds that the Laputian houses are built very poorly and with no right angles. This is odd because the men here are obsessed with mathematics. The women are very sexual creatures who often cheat on their husbands, especially with preferred men from Balnibarbi, but the men are so wrapped in mathematics are they do not notice. The king of Laputa is not remotely interested in the government of England.

            Gulliver learns that Laputa is floating above Balnibarbi, the island on which he landed his canoe. It is able to move about the surface of Balnibarbi but not beyond its borders, and it can move up and down because of its magnetic forces. When a town from Balnibarbi acts up, the king has Laputa moved directly above it so that it can receive no sun or rain.

            Gulliver finds Laputa terribly boring because the people there are all much more intelligent than he is. He petitions to go down to Balnibarbi, and his request is granted. On Balnibarbi, Gulliver meets ‘Lord Munodi’, who invites Gulliver to stay at his home. Munodi’s home is beautiful and kept well, but when the two travel out into the country Gulliver finds that the rest of the land is barren. Munodi explains that this is because many years back, people from Balnibarbi visited Laputa, and when they returned, they decide to change things to a more academic way of living. This idea has failed. Munodi’s land is plentiful because he never changed his way of living.

            Gulliver visits the Grand Academy of Lagada, the largest metropolis of Balibarbi. The scientists there are constantly working on experiments that Gulliver finds pointless. For instance, he meets a man who is trying to turn excrement back into the food it began as, trying to make gunpowder from ice, and trying to employ spiders as weavers of silk.

Gulliver decides to take a trip to the island of “Luggnagg” but finds that no ships will be available for the voyage for a month, so it is suggested that he visit “Glubbdubdrib”, which he translates to mean the island of sorcerers or magicians. Gulliver learns that the governor has the power to bring back the dead for the purpose of serving him. Gulliver is given the option to bring back anyone he would like. He chooses ‘Alexander Pope’ who tells Gulliver that he actually died because he drank too much.  He then brings back a parade of other famous dead.

            Gulliver spends a great time speaking with various famous dead people. He speaks with ‘Homer, Aristotle, and Descartes and even get them into conversation with one another.

            Gulliver travels to ‘Luggnagg’ posing as a Dutchman. He speaks

                        “I thought it necessary to disguise my country, 
                         And call myself Hollander, because my
                         the intention was for Japan, and I knew the
                         Dutch were the only Europeans permitted
                         to enter into that kingdom.”

            His true identity is discovered, however, and Gulliver is made a prisoner. When Gulliver is released, he learns about the Struldbrug children who have a red dot on each of their foreheads. These children are immortal. Gulliver soon comes to learn that the struldbrug children are actually very unhappy and jealous of those people who can die.

            After offering Gulliver employment in the court but finally seeing that he is determined to leave, His Majesty gives him license to leave, a letter of recommendation to the emperor of Japan, and a gift of 444 pieces of gold and a very valuable red diamond. In Japan, he is told to trample the crucifix, which all Dutchmen are happy to do but Gulliver manages to get out of doing so. He takes a ship to Amsterdam and then to England, where he happily returns to his family.

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Related Tags: Gulliver’s Travels summary, Gulliver’s Travels Book 3 Summary, Gulliver’s Travels Analysis, Gulliver’s Travels Book 3 Analysis, Gulliver’s Travels in Literature

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The Challenge of Our Time

The Challenge of Our Time Summary By E. M. Forster


“The Challenge of Our Time” is a beautiful and instructive essay nicely written by E. M. Forster, who is known as a great novelist, essaying, philosopher, short story writer, and social reformer of the modern history of English literature. He is known best for his ironic and well-plotted novels examining class differences and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society. Among his famous novels included,

  • A Passage To India
  • Where Angles Fear to Tread
  •  Howards End
  •  A Room with a View

            Forster also wrote two great volumes of the collective essays ‘Two Cheers For Democracy’ and ‘Abinger Harvest’. The present essay ‘The Challenge of Our Time’ has been extracted from ‘Two Cheers For Democracy’.

Analysis Of The Challenge Of Our Time

            The essay ‘The Challenge of Our Time’ is first given in the form of a talk by Forster in a seminar where writers, artists, and intellectuals assembled to discuss the challenge of the time. The writer and artist were greatly influenced by science and technology in human life. E. M. Forster defended his discussion of these problems by saying that an artist supposed to care for man cannot remain indifferent to such problems.

            E. M. Forster started this essay with a statement that,

            “Temperamentally, I am an individualist.
             Professionally I am a writer and my books
            emphasize the importance of personal
            relationship and the private life,
            for I believe in them.”

            As an individualist, he understands the problem faced by the world. Through this essay, he describes the problem ‘The Struggle of the Spirit to cope with the modern world,’ which according to him is the greatest challenge, faced by mankind.

            After witnessing the terrible period between the two world wars, Forster looks back at the Victorian era which was really a wonderful period. It was a period of generosity and humanism, in which education was given a lot of importance. But the problem with Victorian education was that it did not make people understand their economic position. When money came in the form of fat dividends, people never realized that the poor were being exploited for them to get so much money.

 “The poor have kicked.
 The backward races are
 kicking – and more
 power to their boots.”

            In the modern Age, however, dividends have been reduced to almost nothing. The poor and the backward classes no longer allow themselves to be exploited. Therefore, in order to face this challenge, we must combine the old values with the ‘New Economy’. According to Forster ‘Laissez – Faire’ (Free Trade) will not work in today’s world. In the present day, planning has to be done not merely for the body, but for the spirit.

            Forster feels that every artist has a task to perform while facing the challenge of our time. Artists must be free to voice their views. Their aim must be to provide art for art’s sake and not for moral and social purposes. In other words, Forster says that art is the greatest inspiration for mankind. It frees his mind from the problems caused by the modern age.

The intellectual is definitely closer to humanity than the scientist. This is because the scientist is under a lot of pressure and control. He is isolated by mankind and does not get a chance to come closer to society. Forster says that scientists must respect the individual’s thoughts and feelings, though their scientific inventions for the benefit of society in general. Only when individual feelings are given importance can we face the challenge of our time.


            Thus, at the end of this essay, E. M. Forster says about Scientists,

“It is high time he
 came out of his
 ivory laboratory.
 We want him to plan
 for our bodies. We do
 not want him to plan
 for our minds.”

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